Why You Should Use Reusable Non Woven Bags for Your Daily Shopping

by jack zzz

Reusable non-woven bags are a great alternative to multi-use plastic bags that are harmful to the environment and your wallet. Non-woven bags are made of fabric-like material that is bonded together by heat, pressure, or chemicals, rather than woven or knitted. They are strong, durable, lightweight, and easy to fold and store. In this article, we will explore some of the benefits of using reusable non-woven bags for your daily shopping, and provide some examples of where you can find them.

Benefits of Using Reusable Non-Woven Bags

  • Reduce Plastic Waste: By using reusable non-woven bags, you can help reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills or oceans. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans use more than 380 billion plastic bags and wraps every year, and only 5% of them are recycled. The rest are either incinerated, which releases toxic gases, or discarded, which poses a threat to wildlife and marine life. Plastic bags can take hundreds of years to decompose, and they can release microplastics that contaminate the soil and water. Reusable non-woven bags, on the other hand, are eco-friendly and recyclable and can last for years with proper care.

  • Save Money: Many places in the world, including Canada, now charge a fee for plastic bags at checkout. This is a way to discourage the use of single-use plastics and encourage customers to bring their reusable bags. While a plastic bag that costs you a few cents may seem cheap, the expense can add up over time. According to a study by the University of Victoria, the average Canadian household uses 125 single-use plastic bags per year, which amounts to $6.25 in fees. Reusable non-woven bags are a one-time purchase that can save you money in the long run. They are also more spacious and sturdy than plastic bags, which means you can carry more items with fewer bags.

  • Improve Your Health: Using reusable non-woven bags can also benefit your health and well-being. Plastic bags can harbor bacteria, viruses, and fungi that can contaminate your food and cause illnesses. Reusable non-woven bags are easy to clean and sanitize, and they do not leach harmful chemicals into your food or skin. They are also more comfortable to carry than plastic bags, which can cut into your hands or shoulders and cause pain or injury. Reusable non-woven bags are also more aesthetically pleasing and customizable than plastic bags, which can boost your mood and self-esteem.


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